Before insulating, we went around and documented all the wall framing. Neil held a tape and I photographed. This way we have a record of exactly where all the plumbing, electrical wires and studs are. Most of our air sealing had also been done prior to this, so that can be seen in the photos. Things like the white caulk line at the base of the wall, the orange expanding foam at penetrations, as well as some trickier air sealing conditions like between our vented attic and living room high wall. This was dealt with a layer of rigid foam sealed in place.
Another item to note, Neil made his own baffles to create a 2" air space above our insulation and below our roof sheathing for our vented roof. That is the white sheets you see below. It's actually 2" of non-faced rigid insulation. Below that will be BIBS (Blown-in-Blanket-System) a dense packed fiberglass insulation for a total of R-62 in our roof. Code is only R-49.
As much as I am looking forward to insulating and drywall, I do love it at this stage. It's so cool to see all the framing...the bones and then all the wires (nerves) of the house.