Our landscape architect friend, Scott Pascoe, gave us some advice on how to amend our clay soil. We had 20 yards of Cedar Grove Compost delivered Friday and I can't believe I forgot to take a picture of the mound. It was a lot. Most of it is now tilled into our front and side yard. What a difference in color.

I've been a little overwhelmed with what to do about the yard. I've been doing lots of reading and looking around at other projects and even met with a landscaper. We might have him do some of the work, but funds are tight, so I'd rather pay for more plantings and plant ourselves. To get some visuals, I've been stopping by local nurseries. We have a garden shop, City People's, around the corner from us. That's where these photos are from.

I was thinking this heather would be a nice ground cover along the walk to the house. The red color in winter is beautiful.

Above is "Little Heath" and below is "Royal Princess."

I spotted this lovely garden after lunch in Columbia City yesterday.